Orchard Grass Persist Coated

Orchard Grass Persist Coated


Product ID# 51279


34% Coated

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Persist is ideal for hay or grazing by all livestock types. Persist is easily established and has excellent seedling vigor. Use of clover or other legumes can also increase persistence and yield.

Seeding Recommendations

Persist should be seeded at 15-20 lbs. per acre for straight seedings. If using with other grasses or legumes, seed at 8-10 lbs. per acre. If broadcasting use the higher seeding rate. It is best to seed in two perpendicular directions.

Planting Dates

Spring planting is recommended after February 1st and before May 1st in most regions. Areas farther north may want to adjust to later dates. For fall planting, seed after August 1st and before the end of October. Contact your local extension agent or seed supplier to get more specific recommendations for your area.

Fertilizer Recommendations

Fertilization without a soil test is essentially a guessing game. A soil test using recommended standard soil sampling methods is strongly recommended. Fertilize at establishment, and then apply subsequent applications in the spring and following each cutting or grazing will promote re-growth, longevity, and optimal yields. Maintain soil pH between 6.0-7.0 when possible.

Harvesting Recommendations

It is recommended when haying to take the first cutting when the plant is in the late boot stage as the plant is heading out. Then, harvest every 4-5 weeks. If grazing, rotationally graze at three week intervals. For pastures, leave 3-4 inches for good re-growth. Rotational grazing ensures a quality stand.