


Product ID# 84963


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Grows like peanuts except does not have a shell. Wildlife will scratch and dig them up once they find the tuber, which mature in 100-112 days.

Chufas may be the perfect perennial forage plant for wild turkey food plots. The plants produce nut like subterranean tubers that wild turkeys love. The tubers are very nutritious and high in fat and protein. The chufa plant itself is very hardy. Once established, a chufa food plot will last for years. To insure your plot survives be sure the plot is large enough to support your wild turkey population. Wild turkeys will destroy a food plot containing chufas if the grazing pressure is too high. Chufas should be planted after all danger of frost and are most successful in areas of the country with at least 180 frost-free days. Chufas will grow in poor soils and respond well to fertilizer. Plant 15 to 30 lbs per acre and be sure not to plant the seed too deep. No more than 1/2 inch deep.

CHUFA - Excellent for deer, turkey & hogs. Grows like peanuts except does not have a shell. Wildlife will scratch and dig the up once they find the tubers, which mature in 100-120 days. Plant 15-30#/A. in plots of at least 1/4 A. Plant April through late Summer depending on location.