Marshall, Annual Ryegrass, Forage

Marshall, Annual Ryegrass, Forage


Product ID# 30037


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An improved winter annual ryegrass developed for forage production. Has very fine textured leaves. The original standard for a cold tolerant annual ryegrass that could grow as far north as Pennsylvania in the winter months. The standard which other cold tolerant winter annual ryegrasses are measured by today. Produces some grazing in the fall and lots of grazing in the spring. Production tends to cease in late May to early June once seedhead is fully developed and annual life cycle is completed. Can be cut for silage or hay. Needs to be reseeded on an annual basis. May be sown in mixtures with other small grains such as cereal rye or wheat. Resistant to rust. Best to strip grazed or graze on a rotational basis. Nitrogen fertilizer applications are needed to achieve best performance. Seeding Rate - 30 to 35 lbs/acre for pure stands. 15-20 lbs/acre when mixed with small grains. Seed to a maximum depth of 1/4 inch. If seeding with a small grain, it is best to seed the small grain and the ryegrass separately as small grains require a deeper seeding depth. The ryegrass may be broadcast on top of the small grain. *This is NOT the same as cereal rye (small grain) which is also grown as a winter annual cover crop and can be harvested for silage, hay and/or grain. May need to consider crop rotation carefully if planting another crop in the following spring as this ryegrass can persist into the late spring/early June season