Kentucky 31, Fescue, Grass Seed

Kentucky 31, Fescue, Grass Seed


Product ID# KY31


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A versatile, hardy, tall forage grass that is the predominant hay and pasture species in Virginia and the middle US. Also works well for stockpiling for late fall and winter grazing. More drought and heat tolerant than most other cool season forage grasses. Produces a thick, durable sod and can be used to stabilize banks and steep areas. Can also be planted for turf but will have a more open, coarse appearance than other improved lawn fescue varieties. Does carry an endophyte in the seedhead that may affect animal performance. Management techniques should be used to minimize the endophyte affect and optimize animal performance such as interseeding clover, clipping seedheads, etc. Seeding rate - 16 lbs/acre for new stands