Winter Oats, Brooks

Winter Oats, Brooks


Product ID# 0612250

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A source of spring forage for livestock. Provides a quick source of forage in 50-60 days depending on soil moisture levels. Can also be planted as a nurse crop for spring alfalfa and other permanent forage seedings. Can also be planted in food plots for wildlife. Holds its nutritional value through maturity better than other small grains. This particular variety has been selected for a much better yield than common oat varieties and is well suited as both a forage or grain crop. Crown rust and barley yellow dwarf resistant. Directions: Plant in late February - April 10th. Plant at the rate of 64-100 lbs/acre at one inch deep if seeding alone or at the rate of 25-64 lbs in a mixture depending on the mix desired. If planted as a nurse crop, remove the crop right around 50-60 days after seeding so it will not get too competitive with the permanent forage seeding that you are trying to establish. As soon as the oats reach the boot to soft dough stage is often the best time to harvest.