GVS Hay and Pasture Mixture

GVS Hay and Pasture Mixture


Product ID# 49050


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GVS Hay and Pasture Mixture is a cool-season forage grass and legume mixture ideal for both hay production and managed grazing. It contains two varieties of orchardgrass, endophyte-free fescue forage perennial ryegrass and timothy: along with alfalfa and ladino clover. Pasture mixtures with differing kinds of seed help with the ever-present risks from changing weather conditions, disease and weed pressure. Seeding would occur in both spring and fall. Seeding rates would be 25 pounds per acre drilled or 40 pounds per acre, broadcast. The addition of a seasonal nurse crop, generally at 50# per acre will help with establishment and increase yields especially in the first hay cutting. When grazing, use the “take half, leave half approach” and do not graze below 6 inches. Since the GVS Hay and Pasture contains legumes, clean up existing broadleaf weeds prior to seeding.

45% Two Varieties of Orchardgrass

20% Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue

10% Timothy

10% Alfalfa

10% Perennial Ryegrass

3% Intermediate White Clover

2% Ladino Clover