FSG438RR Roundup Ready Alfalfa

FSG438RR Roundup Ready Alfalfa


Product ID#6828815


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FSG438RR alfalfa lets you produce cleaner, higher quality alfalfa for greater profit potential. The simplicity and improved crop safety of using one herbicide with the widest window of application available enables you to be in control instead of Mother Nature. FSG438RR alfalfa performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3, 4 and 5 fall dormancy varieties are planted. With high resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2, FSG438RR alfalfa features a Wisconsin disease index rating of 35/35 and is also resistant to stem nematodes. Whether it’s for great forage yields, superior forage quality or very fast recovery after cutting, FSG438RR is the choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers who want to take advantage of Roundup Ready® Alfalfa technology.