Grass Seed, Contractors Mix

Grass Seed, Contractors Mix


Product ID# 86050


Ky31/ARG 75/25 or better

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A convenient pre-blended seed mix designed specifically for the needs of contractors and others who need to establish an economical quick growing, long lasting sod after completing a project. Helps to control erosion and can be used to establish turf, pasture or hay. Contains a blend of: 69.69% Tall Fescue and 23.20% Annual Ryegrass While this product can be used for hay and pasture establishment, it is recommended that other forage mixes and varieties be seeded instead for more optimal animal and forage performance. *percentages of blend may vary slightly depending on seed availability. Variety of tall fescue is not stated but is most likely a Kentucky 31 tall fescue or variant of it. Therefore, the presence of the toxic endophyte may affect animal performance.