Forage Rye Canadian (GVS Dura)

Forage Rye Canadian (GVS Dura)


Product ID# 62541B


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Often referred to as a cereal rye, this small grain seed is the most winterhardy of the small grain family. It will grow slowly throughout the winter months when temperatures are above freezing. Generally, it is sown in the late summer - November. However, it can be sown in the early spring, but it will not grow as tall. Can be either grazed or harvested as haylage or baleage the following spring. If sown early enough in the late summer and if weather conditions are favorable for sufficient growth, it can be lightly grazed in the late fall. Also, very commonly used as a cover crop in gardens and crop fields after the summer crop has been harvested. Helps to scavenge nitrogen from the soil to keep it from leaching into the soil profile. Often used as part of a nutrient management program. Adds organic matter to the soil. Can be disced or rolled to provide a mulch or green manure to protect and enhance the soil for a spring-summer planted crop. Helps to prevent soil erosion, provides a living root in the ground, and enhances water filtration. The seeds or "berries" can be harvested for a variety of uses. *Please note that cereal rye or rye grown as a small grain is a completely different plant from annual ryegrass. First of all, cereal rye develops primary as a grain crop instead of as a grass even though it does provide harvestable forage. Cereal rye develops a hollow stem as it matures. It also has much broader leaves and is more cold-hardy. The seed head sized is much larger than annual ryegrass. Cereal rye also has a more blueish-green color.